After Spider-man: no way home, the hype of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness can already be seen among fans. Every fan has a different story about the upcoming movie. Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) always tries to make their fans curious about their upcoming projects by dropping a clue in post-credits scenes in the latest released movie, just as they did in the Spider-man: no way home movie. Fans are excited to see some cameos of Superheroes from the different franchises of MCU. 

There are some famous rumors about the new Doctor Strange movie, and we will be seeing how many rumors are possible to be true, which rumor has the least chance and which has the highest to be proven right. While we understand how important it is to know which of the rumors are right and which are not, we will be discussing below all the logical possibilities that might be true. So, if you are also an MCU fan, read along and find out on your own. 

Camoes of Different Superheroes 

If you are a true fan of MCU then you must have experienced those moments when a cameo of a superhero appears on screen in any MCU movie. How can we forget about the cameos of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield Spider-man: no way home? It was also a rumor but the doubts were cleared after the release of the movie. Just like Spider-man: no way home, fans are expecting to see some other Superheroes as well like Deadpool and X-men. Since Deadpool and X-men are non-MCU characters and have not been part of any Avenger movie till now, fans are now expecting them to be part of the movie. Apart from that, after the death of many avengers, there is no other Superhero left who can replace them, it is a possibility for Deadpool and X-men to fill the empty spots. Besides, any Deadpool and X-men movie has not been released after Covid-19 so, it is expected that Fox heroes and MCU is working together to make a bigger movie than before. That is one of the reasons why fans are so excited for the new movie. If you are also excited, we understand your excitement, and if you are planning to watch previous Marvel movies to freshen up that excitement and feel connected, watch them now. For a good TV service we suggest checking out WOW TV Plans. These plans are super affordable, can be bought separately, and also can be bundled in internet. So, get your subscription and watch your favorite movies now. 

The New Iron Man

After the death of Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr), there are several leaked pictures where Tom Cruise has been seen in the suit of iron man, so fans are expecting Tom Cruise to be the next Iron Man, and he also has a guest appearance in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. So, him being Iron Man makes sense.  

There are many chances for it to be true as MCU will never disappoint the fans by killing Iron Man forever. The only person who could replace Robert Downey Jr well, is Tom Cruise. This is why the expectations are high from the fans side.

Return of Loki

In 2021, the Loki series was released on Netflix. If you have watched the series, you will somehow agree with this fan’s theory. At the end of the Loki series, there is an interruption in the timeline and similarly, when you will watch the trailer of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, there is a huge connection between these two movies. Loki is most likely to appear in the movie but this time as a hero. So, all the Netflix Loki and MCU fans are super excited because two of their favorites will appear in one movie. 

Wanda As a Villain 

Wanda is an avenger but this time she can be seen as a villain. After the fallout of Doctor Strange’s spell in Spider-man: no way home, Wanda seeks her help closing the rifts in reality but at the time of closing, she hears the calling of her children’s voice from the alternative universe, so she madly opens the new rift to find the children. It could be the case in the upcoming movie that during this scene, Doctor strange will try to stop her but end up in a fight which might make her the Villain of this movie, fighting against Doctor Strange. 

Mutant are Introduced

The theory builds on the above point, after Wanda opens the alternative rifts, the mutants emerge from a different universe on the planet Earth. If this theory is proven right, then there are chances of X-men to return because X-men are also Mutants. In this theory, Wanda and Pheonix will fight which will be intervened by Professor X. He will try to use his telepathic power to calm Wanda because she is one of the strongest avengers. 

There are many other theories about Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness but they are baseless because the above theories are somehow related to each other. In order to understand the fan theories and see if they are right, you need to see the past pattern of theories. Every Marvel movie by the end leaves clues and tidbits of what we will be seeing next, based on which there are many fan theories. Besides, if you are a true Marvel fan we are sure that you know the complete background of each superhero and each character so will know which theories is logically correct and which is not correct. Well, there is still time, and we will figure it out on the 22nd of May 2022. Yes, you read it right, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is going to be released on 22nd May 2022. So, until then let’s wait and see how many rumors are going to be true.